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I enjoy discovering new photographs and following the most important photographer's steps. I consider myself a hard-working, responsible student and I would contribute to this course with responsibility, effort and team spirit.  I would share my skills with my fellow students enriching our experience.My intention Is to develop my own personality as a...

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¡Mira todo lo que te ofrecemos!

I enjoy discovering new photographs and following the most important photographer's steps. I consider myself a hard-working, responsible student and I would contribute to this course with responsibility, effort and team spirit.  I would share my skills with my fellow students enriching our experience.My intention Is to develop my own personality as a photographer.

I studied Photographic Imaging for two years in Valencia, Spain and. I gained valuable experience on working  in a studio for over a year. I was taught the latest lighting techniques and how to create a successful photoshoot, This also enabled me to manage digital techniques such a Photoshop skills and involved working with the photographer, preparing sets

I gained valuable experience on working  in a studio for over a year. I was taught the latest lighting techniques and how to create a successful photoshoot, This also enabled me to manage digital techniques such as Photoshop skills. This involved working with the photographers to preparing sets and lighting. I was also fortunate enough to be included in advertising campaigns for important clients such a "Thay Natura" and this gave me an insight to professional photographic standards.

The experience I’ve gained as a photographer will be useful to manage a postgraduate as I put my previous studies into practice on “Pascual Cabrera Comunicacio”, an industrial photographic studio.One of the companies we were working with was the prestigious brand of Thay Natura & accent. I also undertook duties as assistant on studio, reliable  Photoshop  retouch on PC & MACINTOSH computers systems and being in charge of shelving all work on duty.

On this  experience I learned the skills to cope with any project. Looking after for the equipment and make sure all the equipment would be ready and in a good condition for an studio or any project outside. I could introduce myself on a professional studio lighting and I improved so much working with Photoshop.

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